Saturday, November 19, 2016

"The Claw" costume

It's been months since I've posted any projects, but Bea's Halloween costume this year was so much fun, I just had to share.

Bea decided she wanted to be an arcade "Claw" machine. We found a used "claw" on eBay, and Eric did all the construction using red foam board, red masking tape and lots of hot glue. He even made a secret candy compartment inside the coin slot that Bea could open with the push of a button. I added the graphics, blinking lights and stuffed animal accessories inside. She looked like the real deal, for sure. 

The Claw costume was a huge hit - especially with Bea. Even though it was sorta heavy and hard to maneuver at times, she was so proud of her costume and the rave reviews she got at trunk-or-treat events, the school costume parade, and trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. 

Our kids are getting older, so our crazy costume days are almost over. Sigh. It sure has been fun.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Life's Current To-Do List

I've always been a big fan of making lists. Mostly because I REALLY enjoyed crossing things off. (It makes you feel like you're accomplishing stuff, right?) 

Well, after I published and promoted my book last fall, I decided to take a break from lists. And projects. And basically anything that felt like it was adding stress and taking away joy in life. So that's why our blog has been a little quiet. (Insert crickets chirping here.)

I saw this "Ultimate List" on Pinterest the other day and it pretty much summed up my attitude lately. 

Who knows, I may be back sharing projects one day. Or I may find that I really enjoy doing less.