Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Valentine Time

Wait... Is Valentine's Day really next week? (I work so far ahead on most of my recipe tutorials that by the time the holiday actually arrives, I've almost forgotten about it.)

The lovely folks at The Chic Site featured Gus' Bubblegum Valentines from last year in their roundup of 10 Crafty Valentines for Kids. There are some very clever ideas, check them out!

And here are some other Valentines I've created over the years:

Cotton Candy Valentines

Mailable Fortune Cookies

Bea on a Balloon Valentine 

Lego Love Valentines

Guess this means I'd better get to work on something for Bea to hand out to her classmates. I'm kinda sad that Gus is in middle school now, and won't need them this year. Those elementary years go by fast. << sigh >>