Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hotdog! It's almost Groundhog Day.

The groundhog - everyone's favorite weather forecaster - is getting ready to take center stage. This February 2nd, make him the center of your plate by creating these hotdog groundhogs for dinner. They're a silly way to celebrate an even sillier holiday tradition.

Place him inside a cornbread muffin mound, a "snow pile" of mashed potatoes, or a buttermilk biscuit bunker. He'll be delicious, no matter what kind of gourmet, hole-in-the-ground he pops out of.

For the super-simple (and certainly-silly) tutorial, pop over to SheKnows.com.

And don't forget dessert! These no-bake groundhog cookies I made last year are guaranteed to make your celebration complete.