Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Dragon Slayers

Gus and his Lego Robotics team participated in their first Shocker MINDSTORMS Challenge last weekend. It was a full day of trial and error and success. Two of their three robots completed their challenges with bonus points for speed. And at the end of the day, the Dragon Slayers took 3rd place out of 15 teams! Not too shabby for a bunch of beginners. Plus, they won an award for best display and team notebook. They may or may not have had some professional guidance on that part. :)

Gus doing some programing on their Ramp It robot.
Watching their first robot challenge complete it's course.
This was the 1st place trophy. Pretty sweet Lego dragon.
This was the Line Follower course.
The team, making a group decision to correct their programming or move on.
Making corrections on the course. Over. And over. And over.
A proud mom and her Lego-lovin' kid.
Some pretty impressive Lego creations made by kids.
3-D cutouts of the kids as Hobbit dwarfs, slaying the dragon.
The Dragon Slayers and coaches after their 3rd place finish!
Gus' cool Lego name badge.