Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cotton Candy Valentine

Cotton candy is my most favorite sugary snack in the world. I just love that fluffy, sweet stuff.

Last week, when I was trying to decide which treats to include on my Valentine's Day dessert table, I came up with a fun way to serve and display cotton candy - Love Ewe cups. They're clear plastic dishes, with white cotton candy inside. I printed out little sheep illustrations on cardstock and cut out the wooly bodies so the cotton candy could peek through the holes. Then I just placed the paper circles on top, and used a fork to fluff and fill the wooly areas with cotton candy.

Really simple. Really cute.

They'd be fun at a school party. I used little plastic dishes I found at Hobby Lobby, but you could also use clear plastic cups. I think those Solo drinking cups are about the same width, plus they might hold more cotton candy. 

Here's a couple of Love Ewe sheep circles in blue, pink and red if you'd like to try making some. Just print them out on 8.5"x11" cardstock and cut them out. I used an exacto knife, but you don't have to be very precise. A rough circle will do too.