Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nutter Butter Shoes (2004)

What do you make for a friend who loves shoes? Nutter Butter heels, of course.

In 2004, I made these birthday treats for my coworker, Adriene. I used Nutter Butter cookies, Tootsie Rolls and decorative candy pareils. 

I had to soften all the Tootsie Rolls in the microwave and shape the tiny heel & toe pieces with my fingers, and then wrestle with getting them to stick to the Nutter Butter cookie. At the time, I remember thinking "these are taking forever to put together." Now I laugh, because compared to some of my more recent projects, these are a piece of cake. Or cookie. Or candy. ;)

Pardon the blurry, grainy photos. Ten years ago, my digital camera (and my photography skills) were pretty novice.