Sunday, October 31, 2010

A ghoulish game.

Gus' 3rd grade class had their Halloween costume parade and party on Friday. As you can imagine, things can get a little chaotic at an elementary school on Halloween - costumes, parties, 100's of parents wandering around, and lots & lots of sugar. 

As a room mother, I wanted to attempt a fun activity, but I didn't want the class to get out of control. So I came up with a goofy game called "Ghoulish Grab Bag." The kids had to reach inside my bucket of ghoul (green spaghetti and pealed grapes) and pull out either a TRICK or a TREAT. Their expressions were awesome as they fished their hands inside the gooey mess. Some of them got treats: candy, buttons or plastic fangs. And some of them got tricks: stretchy rats, dental floss or toothpaste.

It was funny. And entertaining. And chaos was kept to a low, tolerable roar. Mission accomplished.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trolling campus with WuShock.

I admit, I have a pretty fun job. 

Most art directors get to do some crazy, creative stuff. But how many get to go shopping for a college mascot's Halloween costume, get to dress up in a creepy troll costume, and then get to escort a Cowboy WuShock around the WSU campus, haunting & high-fiving people?

I do.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pre-nup Pumpkin Party

My good friend and fellow designer at WSU, Joey, is getting married the weekend after Halloween. And she loves all things PUMPKIN. So, we had a pumpkin-themed wedding shower for her today at work.

We had pumpkin hummus, pumpkin spice cookies, hot apple cider and all things yummy & fall-like to eat. For table decorations, I decided to carve these "Funkins." They're fake, foam pumpkins that you can carve & keep. Forever. No mess. No pumpkin guts. No slippery accidents with sharp knives. No shriveling up and rotting. THEY ARE AWESOME! (I found these at Hobby Lobby, but I'm sure they carry them at Michaels too.) Genius invention. 

Best wishes to the blushing bride...I mean Mrs. Fonkert!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rock on.

Remember that adorably-cute Big Ball Toy Rocker that Eric made a couple of months ago? Well, he made another one. This time in GREEN. And this time for our good friends, the Glanzers. They're expecting G-baby #2 in January. But we gave it to them early so that big sister, Olive, could break it in.

If you're interested in ordering your own, custom-color, Big Ball Rocker...give us a shout. Christmas is only 60 days away!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A trick-or-treat test run.

WSU was having a Trunk-or-Treat party on campus today, so we decided to give our costumes a test run. We were a woodland menagerie: owl, squirrel & troll. I made the owl costume, but we bought the squirrel & troll costumes. (This mom knows her way around a hot glue gun, but she doesn't sew.)

Why didn't Eric dress up, you ask? Well, he doesn't find the joy in it like I do. Plus, we needed someone that could lead us around and work us through a crowd. He and my sister Sharon were our Halloween wranglers. While our costumes are fun, they're not the most practical. Gus and I could barely see or hear anything under our hot, sweaty masks, and Bea's little hands couldn't reach around her big, ol' owl body for any candy that people were offering her. Poor thing. (Note to self: next year, make hand holes.)

But we had a great time. Everyone stopped us and asked if they could take pictures of us...or WITH us! One lady even wanted me to hold her baby with my creepy troll hands. Whatever. Sure. Just don't spit up on my beard, kid....

And Bea even won a plastic, gold trophy for "Best Costume" in the costume parade. So yeah, I'd say this was a pretty successful trick-or-treat test run. Can't wait for Halloween next week. Darkness will add a whole new element of difficulty, I'm sure.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bee-lated Birthday Brownies

Here's my sweet apology to Kyle, our design student intern at WSU, for missing his birthday last week. I'm sure it gave him a good sugar buzz.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Greening up Gammon.

This weekend, I volunteered our family to tackle a little landscaping project at Gus' school - Gammon Elementary. (As Eric can attest, I'm famous for volunteering his time & talent.) We planted some boxwood bushes, ornamental grasses and a crape myrtle bush in a new landscape bed at the front entry of the building. 

Each year, the GEPTO (Gammon Elementary Parent Teacher Organization) budgets for a "school beautification" project. So last year, I told them that we would do something every fall as long as we have kids going to school at Gammon. (Which, will be until 2017, if my math is correct. Yikes, what was I thinking???!?) Eric and I don't really have time to volunteer for GEPTO or school fundraisers. But we do have green thumbs. And strong backs. And a good resource for some discounted plants - thanks Tree Top Nursery! If this is how we can give back to our community and help build some pride in our school, then that's what we are willing to do. Plus, I thought it was great that Bea and Gus helped us today - seeing what hard work and effort can achieve. They were great little landscapers.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Candy Corn Cookie Cuteness

I saw these sweet things last week on a website called and they practically begged: "Bake Me!"

They're super easy. I promise. Recipe Girl used a Better Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix, but you can use whatever sugar cookie recipe you like best. The dough just needs to be refrigerated or frozen before you cut them into the triangle shapes.

I might have to make these 5 or 6 more times before Halloween. They're SO DARN CUTE.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Eric ran the Prairie Fire Wichita Half Marathon this morning with a finishing time of 1 hour, 41 minutes and 45 seconds. Not too shabby for our daddy!

The kids and I made several attempts to be his sideline fan club, but maneuvering the streets proved difficult - too many road blocks and traffic jams. And unfortunately, we missed seeing Eric cross the finish line. Boo.

This was the first year for the Prairie Fire Wichita Marathon (Half, 5K and Walk.) From the size of the crowd and the 400% increase of participants, I'd say it was pretty successful. Way to go Wichita! And super run Eric!

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Sister-in-Law Surprise.

My sister-in-law, Melissa, is celebrating her birthday today. Not only is it her birthday, but they're also moving into a new house this weekend in Salina, AND her son Cameron had a football game tonight in Derby. So she's spent her day packing, cleaning, unpacking and driving. Hardly a fun way to celebrate your birthday.

So I decided to surprise her tonight at the game. Bea and I showed up at half-time with a box of cupcakes. Surprise!

BONUS: My nephew, Cameron, kicked four field goals and the Salina South Cougars won. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Applejack Pumpkin Patch

Eric and I desperately wanted to take naps on Sunday afternoon, but good ole fashion parent guilt and perfect fall weather made it impossible to pass up an afternoon at the Applejack Pumpkin Patch. Gus, Bea and our neighbor buddy, Jay, had oodles of fun. There was so much to do (and I took 4000 pictures of everything!)

Of course, there are the pumpkins - big & small:

And the giant slide:

And hay bales for jumping:

And corn mazes to lose yourself in (or your kids):

And the "Bouncing Pillow" (This was awesome. Even for adults):

And the tricycle track:

And the water-pumping duck races (The boys absolutely LOVED this. We spent entirely too much time here):

And the cutest photo opportunities:

And the sandbox diggers:

And the pumpkin canon & slingshot:

And the "How tall this fall?" sign:

And of course, the pumpkin patch: