This week's sugar stress and baking marathon nearly killed me. Last August, my friend Jodi asked if I would bake some special treats for her daughter's graduation party in May. "Oh, sure. No problem. May? Sheesh. That's months & months away. Absolutely. Sure. No big deal."
Wrong. What was I thinking? I'm not a bakery!?! I'm a crazy woman with a KitchenAid mixer & a 27-year-old oven. And for some reason, I believe I can create whatever idea pops into my head. That, my friends, is a recipe for disaster.
Well, these graduation treats multiplied between August and May, and I ended up making:
- One hot pink & lime green graduation cake for Emily (She told me the colors she wanted & left the rest up to me.)
- One Fort Hays State-themed, pennant graduation cake for Payte (Emily's cousin, who's attending FHSU in the fall)
- Four dozen, HUGE, cosmetology-scissor sugar cookies. (Emily's attending the Eric Fisher Academy in September.)
Needless to say, I took the day off from work to complete all of these, and still ended up spending 18.5 hours in the kitchen that day. Insane. Even for me.
But, the stress and the baker's meltdown I experienced halfway-thru were all worth it. (Eric might not agree.) The smile on Emily's face yesterday was awesome. Yeah!