In order to support my flower habit/obsession, every spring I do some trade-out work for Tree Top Nursery. I design a t-shirt for them to sell, and in return they give me more hibiscus, lantana and scaviola than any gardener could possibly need. It's a win-win for everyone. And by everyone, I mean me.
This year's t-shirt says "GROW WILD." You can purchase them for $9.99 at the Wichita Garden Show this weekend, March 3 - 7. Or, they'll be available at Tree Top Nursery's Garden Center this spring. Every time you wear the shirt into Tree Top, you'll receive 10% off your entire purchase. More marigolds for the money. More daffodils for your dollars. More barberry for your buck.... O.K., I'll stop.
Spring has sprung, and that can only mean one thing at the Denneler house: Eric's a busy guy. We don't get to see much of him for the next few months, so if you stop in at Tree Top to do some shopping, tell him his wife and kids say "hi."